Woman forming a spiral braid of twisted husks to make a maize straw cushion
Woman braiding a maize straw cushion
Woman tying peacock feathers to a chenille souvenir
Chenille flowers and basket with tassle
Woman adding peacock feathers to a souvenir made of chenille
Woman shaping a chenille souvenir with tweezers
Woman making chenille souvenirs
Woman who makes chenille flowers
Woman with tweezers making a chenille souvenir
Children watching women with bound feet making souvenirs of braided colored straw at Bei'anhe
Woman making chenille souvenirs outdoors at a table next to a camel
Paper-cut maker making paper-cuts at a table
Woman making a souvenir out of braided colored straw at Bei'anhe
Woman, who makes souvenirs of braided colored straw, wearing eyeglasses, earrings, and hair ornament at Bei'anhe
Paper-cut maker cutting through soot pattern with a knife
Street ballad singer playing a stringed instrument and carrying a bag of musical instruments for sale
Paper-cut maker beginning to cut through soot pattern with a knife
Paper-cut maker placing sheet with soot pattern on a stack of paper
Paper-cut maker revealing pattern made with soot