Interior view of temple building showing eight shrine figures and inscription at Da jue si
Moon gate at Wan shou si
Stupa-style pagoda atop Yuquan Hill
Balcony with latticework overlooking the roofs of temple buildings at Wan shou si
Building detail showing marble archway with carved relief work at Yuquan Hill
Tortoise stela at Yuquan Hill
Detail of marble arch showing carved relief work with figures and animals
Gate with inscriptions at Bai yun guan
Front gate with inscriptions and pair of stone lions at Bai yun guan
Incense burner at Bai yun guan
Detail of gate showing archway with inscriptions at Bai yun guan
Pai lou with inscription at Bai yun guan
Wall and garden at Bai yun guan
Two Buddhist relief figures carved into the hillside at Yuquan Hill
Pai lou with inscription and flanking walls with glazed-tile relief work at Bai yun guan
Detail of pai lou showing inscription at Bai yun guan
Two Buddhist relief figures, one with headdress and necklace of skulls, carved into the hillside at Yuquan Hill
Series of gateways at Bai yun guan
Tortoise stelae at Bai yun guan