Detail of relief at Yuquan Hill showing hand, head, and necklace of skulls
Detail of relief at Yuquan Hill showing head and necklace of skulls
Animal-headed relief figure wearing necklace of skulls, carrying a body, and standing on a prone figure carved into the hillside at Yuquan Hill
Detail of relief at Yuquan Hill showing hand
Detail of relief at Yuquan Hill showing foot, head, and prone figure
Relief figure of an equestrian wearing a headdress of skulls carved into the hillside at Yuquan Hill
Relief figure of a Bodhisattva seated on an animal carved into the hillside at Yuquan Hill
Buddhist relief figure with headdress of skulls carved into the hillside at Yuquan Hill
Gate and pair of stone lions at Fa yuan si
Doorway of temple building with latticework and view of courtyard at Fa yuan si
Thousand-Buddha relief in courtyard of Buddhist nunnery
Buddhist nuns meditating
Buddhist nun bowing at altar
Buddhist nun kneeling at altar
Buddhist nun prostrate at altar
Buddhist nun striking a mu yu
Buddhist nun holding a hand chime and striking a mu yu
Buddhist nun praying