Trees and mountain landscape on the pilgrimage route up Miaofeng Mountain
Mountain landscape on the pilgrimage route up Miaofeng Mountain
Pilgrims and temple society members who perform a flagpole balancing show called hong fan hui on the trail up Miaofeng Mountain
Woman on the pilgrimage trail on Miaofeng Mountain
Pilgrims on the trail up Miaofeng Mountain
Boy pilgrim wearing a souvenir hat on the trail up Miaofeng Mountain
Father and child wearing hats decorated with souvenirs on the pilgrimage trail up Miaofeng Mountain
Pilgrims burning incense next to a canopy in front of a temple on Miaofeng Mountain
Pilgrims buying peach-wood walking sticks on the trail up Miaofeng Mountain
Men selling peach-wood walking sticks beside the pilgrimage trail on Miaofeng Mountain
Pilgrims with peach-wood walking sticks buying souvenirs on Miaofeng Mountain
Pilgrims passing incense stands on Miaofeng Mountain
Souvenir vendors on the pilgrimmage trail up Miaofeng Mountain
Posters afixed to the wall of a temple building on Miaofeng Mountain
Men at an incense stand on Miaofeng Mountain