Taikoo Dockyard, Hong Kong
House in Hong Kong
China Navigation Company ships anchored in Hong Kong
China Navigation Company steamship in Hong Kong
Taikoo Sugar Refinery, Hong Kong
‘Woodside’, Mount Parker Road, Hong Kong, with scaffolding
HMS Robin at Hong Kong Dockyard
A submarine being repaired on a dry dock slipway, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Harbour
27 Lugard Road, The Peak, Hong Kong
Shek O bungalow, Hong Kong (石澳)
Mount Parker valley, Hong Kong (柏架山)
Steamship 'Tsinan' (济南) at Hong Kong
Steamship 'Anking' in Hong Kong 1938
Taikoo Sugar Refinery, Hong Kong 1938
Shipbuilding at Dockyard Berths, Taikoo Sugar Refinery, Hong Kong
Taikoo Sugar Refinery, Hong Kong, 1940