Detail of a statue of the goddess Sheng Mu wearing a phoenix headdress on Hua Mountain
Pine tree and mountain landscape on Hua Mountain with river plain in background
Pine tree and rock face on Hua Mountain
Bronze statue of the goddess Guanyin in a Daoist temple on Hua Mountain
Statue of a seated figure with attendants in a Daoist temple on Hua Mountain
Mountain landscape on Hua Mountain
West Peak of Hua Mountain
Prayer-paper burner, incense burner, and cast-iron bell on East Peak of Hua Mountain with Qinling Mountains in background
Community kitchen in the Jade Well Daoist monastery on South Peak of Hua Mountain
Facade detail of Jade Fertility Well Temple on South Peak of Hua Mountain
Bell with dew-collecting cup on top, incense burner, and Daoist priests in front of temple building on East Peak of Hua Mountain
Daoist priest wearing a cap with a streamer knot on Hua Mountain
Daoist priest on Hua Mountain
Stone parapet on narrow trail skirting the Great Creater on Hua Mountain
Clay statue of an elephant wearing trappings in a Daoist temple on Hua Mountain