Man and boys with rakes standing next to a cart in a fishing village on the Shandong coast
Man at work amidst buckets and vessels in a fishing village on the Shandong coast
Girl with a tree branch leaning on storage vessels in a fishing village on the Shandong coast
Men and boy sitting on steps in a fishing village on the Shandong coast
Men walking in a street next to stone buildings and shop sign for a barber shop (top) in a village on the Shandong coast
Dried fish spread out at a street market in a fishing village on the Shandong coast
Fishing village on the Shandong coast
Street market in a fishing village on the Shandong coast
Boy holding a basket in a fishing village on the Shandong coast
Girl holding a basket in a fishing village on Shandong coast
Street in a fishing village on the Shandong coast
Boy and girl sitting on a rock in a fishing village on the Shandong coast
Man in a street next to a stone building with roof ornaments in a village on the Shandong coast
Bell and fish-shaped ornament hanging from a roof in a village on the Shandong coast