24949 images found
People on the roofs of houses during very high flooding
Laundry and plants drying in the courtyard of a house
Sedan chair bearers crossing a wooden footbridge
A group of unidentified Chinese men with three foreigners and a dog
A scroll painter, with scrolls
A farm worker with an adze, hat and rain cape
The fate and feet of three Chinese girls - a bare footed slave, a girl with bound feet, and a Christian with unbound feet
Two coiffured women with hair ornaments
A girl showing how to eat rice with chopsticks
An itinerant umbrella mender with tools and travelling kit
Men working in a rice processing mill
Ruins of the great temple, Zhangpu
A shoe mender with tools and travelling pack
A stone mason wearing glasses, with tools
A man carding wool, posed with his tools
A foreign man wearing a pith helmet, in a street, Thai Jong, near Shantou
A wayside shrine
Three boys wearing mourning clothing
A man crossing a river on a raft
A boy carrying baskets balanced on a bamboo yoke
A musician and a boy, with a yang qin (""foreign zither"") and small bagpipes
An itinerant barber posed combing the queue of a customer
Portrait of an unidentified man
An opium smoker, with pipe and layout
The pulpit in a chapel
A wayside temple beside an old tree
A pagoda on a peninsula or island
People peering over matting and fallen down walls
A portrait of a Chinese preacher
Chi Tai Ch'uan, Mrs Maxwell's teacher
An amah with the Logan Roots children in a pram
Baby twins with a nurse and another woman, Baoding
The Reverend Hope Moncrieff, Yongchun
Peking Union Medical College, Hatamen Street, Beijing
Playing tennis on the courts at Peking Union Medical College, Beijing
Laying the foundations of the Peking Union Medical College, Beijing
Funeral procession on Hatamen Street, passing the Methodist Hospital (Hopkins Memorial Hospital), Beijing
Chinese Imperial Post Office, Beijing
The von Ketteler Memorial, Hatamen Street, Beijing
The von Ketteler Memorial (克林德碑), Hatamen Street, Beijing
Hatamen Street, Beijing
London Missionary Society House, Beijing
Peking Union Medical College, Hatamen Street (Dongan Beijie), Beijing
Bearers carrying paper figures for burning at a funeral, Beijing
Bearers carrying paper lions in a funeral procession, Beijing
Bearers carrying a catafalque in a funeral procession, Beijing
Wanshou Hill, Kunming Lake, Nanhu Island at Yihe Yuan, and fields to the west, Beijing
A ceremonial plough, with other farm tools
Two women with bound feet turning a millstone, near Beijing
The London Mission Chapel, near Beijing, burnt down during the Boxer Uprising
An old four-wheel horse drawn cart, being used to transport muck, near Beijing
A sow raised for the hospital kitchen, Yongchun, Fijian
A Bible colporteur on the road, near Beijing
An ox-drawn cart, with oxen
A camel-drawn cart
Wan Shan Temple, Zhongnanhai, Beijing
A courtyard at Wan Shan Temple, Zhongnanhai, Beijing