Vender selling artificial flowers
Chenille flowers and basket with tassle
Woman at a stand selling paper flowers at New Year's
Man hawking paper flowers
Children dressed in white carrying paper snow willows and banners and passing through a city gateway in a funeral procession
Boys near a city gate holding paper snow willows for a funeral procession
Boys carrying paper snow willows in a funeral procession
Members of a funeral procession carrying umbrella and snow willow
Funeral procession with paper snow willows, mourners dressed in white passing through city gate, and paper money tossed in the air, Chaoyangmen (朝阳门), Beijing
Coffin-bearers carrying draped coffin with wreaths of paper flowers during funeral procession
Members of a funeral procession carrying an umbrella and paper snow willows under a pai lou
Coffin-bearers carrying draped coffin with wreaths of paper flowers through city gate during funeral procession
Members of a funeral procession carrying umbrella and empty sedan chair decorated with a paper wreath
Members of a funeral procession carrying paper figure of a rickshaw puller and paper snow willows
Member of a funeral procession carrying flower wreaths with inscriptions
Members of a funeral procession holding paper snow willows near Chaoyangmen (朝阳门), Beijing
Members of a funeral procession carrying paper snow willows and an inscribed banner
Members of a funeral procession carrying paper snow willows under pailou near Zhengyangmen (正阳门) / Qianmen (前门), Beijing
Members of a funeral procession carrying paper snow willows and umbrella
Boy placing basket of flowers in the hands of a paper figure for a funeral procession