Pedlar in a street
Carrying luggage along a road
Two sedan chairs and passengers, Hong Kong (香港)
A sedan chair on Wellington Street, Hong Kong
A street with several tailor shops, Hong Kong
John Gurney Fry in a sedan chair, with servants, The Old Bungalow, Fuzhou
John Gurney Fry, with a chair bearer and a house servant, The Old Bungalow, Fuzhou
Chinese Post Office, with IMCS sedan chair and bearers, Jiujiang
Bearers carrying a baby in a pram
Bearers carrying a young woman with a baby in a sedan chair
Bearers with a sedan chair crossing a bridge in the Yongchun valley, Fujian
Four bearers with Dr J.P. Maxwell's chair, Zhangpu, Fujian
Bearers carrying sedan chair to Toa Bo, near Zhangpu, southern Fujian
Boats including sand boats in the outer harbour, Xiamen
Inn on the Tong'an pass
Sedan chair bearers crossing a wooden footbridge
Bearers carrying paper figures for burning at a funeral, Beijing
Bearers carrying paper lions in a funeral procession, Beijing
Bearers with a sedan chair