Villagers gathered on the bridge in Tio-liu-po Village [sic]
Guides and donkeys crossing a stone bridge in Ta-tsun Village [sic] in the Lost Tribe country
Stone bridge over dry riverbed, stone terracing, houses, and villagers in Ta-tsun Village [sic] in the Lost Tribe country
Dongbianmen (东便门) and Datong Bridge (东便门外大通桥), Beijing
Bridge detail showing two arches
Datong Bridge (东便门外大通桥), near Dongbianmen (东便门), Beijing
Neijinshui Qiao and north facade of Wu men
Neijinshui Qiao and detail of north facade of Wu men
Neijinshui Qiao and south facade of Zhao de men
Bridge leading to Yan Qu Lou
Neijinshui Qiao and northeast corner of Wu men
Neijinshui Qiao and south facade of Tai he men
Neijinshui Qiao and west facade of Xi he men
Waijinshui Qiao and marble lion south of Tian an men
Waijinshui Qiao and tree