Mural depicting a mythological creature
Carved stone pillars, and firewood
House under construction, Kuling
Making bricks
Anting Mên (Andingmen) Street, Beijing
Customers outside a hardware and basket shop, Peking
Carters and road traffic, near Yongdingmen (永定门), Beijing
A view from Yongdingmen (永定门) towards the centre of Beijing
Kennedy Town (堅尼地城) and Sulphur Channel (硫磺海峽), Hong Kong
Central Hong Kong and Victoria Peak, viewed from the harbour
Victoria Harbour and Tsim Sha Tsui (尖沙咀), Kowloon, viewed from the Peak, Hong Kong
Peak Tramway, Central, and Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong
The Supreme Court and Statue Square, Hong Kong
Ceremonial archway, The Bund, Shanghai, during the Duke of Connaught’s visit
The Masonic Hall and Messrs Butterfield and Swire, The Bund, Shanghai, during the Duke of Connaught’s visit
The Masonic Hall, Shanghai, and the Duke of Connaught
Queen's Building and Statue Square, Hong Kong
Hankow Race Club (汉口赛马场)
Foreign and Chinese soldiers beside fallen telegraph pole, Hankow
Holt House, Hankow