Clergymen and their families
Filming outside The Chinese Nationalist League office, USA
Taking a photograph, Kuling (牯岭)
Looking over a wall, Kuling (牯岭)
Group of foreigners, Kuling (牯岭)
A photographer on a rock, Kuling (牯岭)
Maude Carrall taking a picture at the 'Blossoms', Chefoo
Picnic to the 'Blossoms', Chefoo, 1902
Picnic to the 'Blossoms', Chefoo
Richard Bell as Charlie Chaplin, during filming of 'The King of Comedy Visits Shanghai'
Back of a cabinet card for a photograph by D. Satow, Shanghai
Jack Ephgrave with a camera, on board SS Whangpu
Jack Ephgrave in photography room with arc-lamps and camera, Pudong, Shanghai
Jack Ephgrave's selfie, taken in a mirror, British Cigarette Company, Shanghai
Preparing to photograph Shanghai Volunteers Corps Armoured Car Company, Shanghai
Preparing to photograph Shanghai Volunteers Corps Armoured Car Company, Shanghai, 1932
Jack Ephgrave with Japanese marines, North Railway Station, Shanghai, 1932
Marjorie Ephgrave and Peggie Clements at a model boating pond, Shanghai
E. P. Morphew and Mr Dwyer, Henli Regatta 1932, Shanghai
Mr Pulman with a camera, at a printing factory, Pudong, Shanghai