Christ Church, Shameen, Canton, 1896
The Carrall family by a garden pavilion
A family having a meal
Emma Spry Sampson, mother of James W. Carrall, 1892
Detail of back of photograph of Emma Spry Sampson
Carrall family, 'Astor House Hotel', Shanghai, 1896
The way through the woods to Dinghushan (鼎湖山) Temple, Dinghu (鼎湖), near Zhaoqing
Boat House up the West River
Dinghu Waterfall (年 广东鼎湖瀑布), Dinghushan (鼎湖山), near Zhaoqing (肇庆市)
Chefoo, 1899
Commissioner's House, Canton, 1896
James Hudson Taylor and Jennie Hudson Taylor, with CIM Girls' School staff and girls, Chefoo
'Old Fourth', China Inland Mission School, Chefoo
'Foundation Day', C.M.S., Chefoo, 1898
Dead tiger, Amoy
Garden pavilion, Amoy
Graves, 'Ten Thousand Rocks', Xiamen, 1896
R.C. Feihoo at Amoy
China Inland Mission Girl’s School, Chefoo
Women on board H.M.S. Aeolus, Chefoo, 1895