Cast members of 'Beauty and the Beast', Yantai, 1899
Cast of 'Beauty and the Beast', Yantai, 1899
Chefoo harbour, viewed from Settlement Hill, Yantai
View of Chefoo, from 'Hillside', Yantai
High jump, C.I.M. Boys’ School sports, Chefoo
Gwen and Phyllis Carrall, 1901, Yantai
Customs jetty, Chefoo
Red Cross Road, Yantai (煙台)
Taiping Street, Yantai (煙台)
A dried up stream, Yantai (煙台)
A trading caravan, Yantai (煙台)
A wedding procession, Yantai (煙台)
A funeral procession, Yantai (煙台)
A public execution, Yantai (煙台)
A small pagoda and a view over Yantai (煙台)
A pagoda near Yantai
The Sanatorium and Guest House, China Inland Mission compound, Yantai
Girls School, China Inland Mission compound, Yantai
Back of the Junior School, China Inland Mission compound, Yantai
Island on the Yangzi