Two children
Five children
Woman sitting with a child in a baby carriage
Four children eating at a food stand
Man and child in front of shop selling household goods in Tai'an
Boy reaching into an embroidered purse worn by a girl in a village on the Shandong coast
Actor holding a child at a market fair during the Dragon Boat Festival in a village on the Shandong coast
Women holding a child wearing a braided necklace and an embroidered purse in a fishing village on the Shandong coast
Boy and girl sitting on a rock in a fishing village on the Shandong coast
Musician with drum and young snow willow carriers dressed in white waiting for funeral procession
Father and child wearing hats decorated with souvenirs on the pilgrimage trail up Miaofeng Mountain
Children selling sourvenirs on the pilgrimage trail up Miaofeng Mountain
Seated pilgrim with backpack holding child and metal bucket on Miaofeng Mountain
Woman and child next to a stone wall on Miaofeng Mountain
Woman and children seated on pilgrimage trail up Miaofeng Mountain
Anna Drew with group of children, including her son Charles Drew
A[nna] D[rew]'s kindergarten class, Ningpo, 1879-1880
Anna Drew sitting with her child
Hall, commissioner's house, Canton, 1895