The British Women's Work Association workroom, Shanghai
Wheelbarrow man with passengers, in winter, Shanghai
Pekinese women in the courtyard of a house, Peking (北京)
J.B. Affleck (British Consular Service), wearing a Japanese kimono and geta, with bonsai, Beijing (北京)
Children at tea, British Legation, Peking (北京)
Group at the wedding of Cyril and Anne Bell, Shanghai (上海)
Studio portrait of a woman, relating to a fashion fundraising fair for the Red Cross, Hankou
Four men and a dog, Kuling (牯岭)
Standing by a corpse, Hankow
Family group from North China
Emma Spry Sampson, mother of James W. Carrall, 1892
Maude Carrall, aged 17
China Inland Mission Girls School, Chefoo, 1899
Group at the Tomb of the Princess, Beijing, 1900
Race-day, Tientsin, 1900
Maude Carrall and Jim, in sitting room at 'Hillside', Chefoo
Frank and Islay, with bicycles, Shanghai, 1902
Muriel Carrall with flowers