Celebratory lunch at the Russian Consulate, Taheiho (Aigun / Heihe)
Commissioner's House, Swatow
Examination Shed and Custom House, Swatow
Farewell to Hedgeland, Canton, 1927
The Swatow foreign community in 1913
A horse and trap, Tientsin, 1903
Hedgeland and others, Tientsin
Hedgeland, colleagues and animals, in Tientsin
Hedgeland, colleagues and animals, Tientsin
Hedgeland and friends, Tientsin
Hedgeland at Tientsin railway station for the departure of the Tientsin Lawn Tennis Club Team
Customs men at the Peking Club, 1904
Two women reading, Hong Kong
Three women in European dresses, Hong Kong
Four women in Chinese dresses, Hong Kong
Hedgeland smelling a plant, Hong Kong
Taking tea on the terrace of the Assistants' Quarters, Lappa Island, near Macau
Hedgeland, Tientsin 1904