Dock, Tientsin Lighter Company, Tongku (塘沽)
Tientsin Lighter Company, Tongku (塘沽)
Front compound being roofed, Newchwang (牛庄)
Front compound, Newchwang (牛庄)
Butterfield and Swire upper property, Chinkiang (镇江)
Butterfield and Swire Lot 4 being built, Nanking
Wuhu Bund
Building a new hong in Kiukiang (九江)
Building materials for Butterfield and Swire hong in Kiukiang (九江)
Foundations for Compradore's quarters, Hankow
Sintai, Hankow (汉口)
Butterfield and Swire's godown in Changsha
Li property and frontage, Changsha
Wangsha terminus (黄沙 Huangsha Station) under construction, Guangzhou
Arnhold Karlberg and Co, Canton
Building the dockyard, Hong Kong
Building dockyard, Hong Kong