Three women walking on a path by a field near Shanghai Rowing Club
Jack Ephgrave and friends, beside a water pump, near Shanghai Rowing Club
A street in Weihai (威海)
Red Cross Road, Yantai (煙台)
Robbie sitting by the side of the road
F. Hagger sitting by the side of the road
Hutchinson family house, 35 Tongshan Road, Hongkou, Shanghai
Three boys by the bridge to the Hutchinson family house, Tongshan Road, Hongkou, Shanghai
Elizabeth Hutchinson, two boys, and a rickshaw puller on Tongshan Road, Hongkou, Shanghai
Snowfall, Tongshan Road, Hongkou, Shanghai
Shadow of the photographer, Brand and goats, near a ditch
George Danson and Tom Hutchinson in Tongshan Road, Hongkou, Shanghai
Bill Hutchinson standing with another man in Tongshan Road, Hongkou, Shanghai
Reeds along a ditch or creek, Shanghai
Two barrow men at a plank bridge over the ditch alongside 35 Tongshan Road, Hongkou, Shanghai
Trees silhouetted by storm clouds above a ditch running with rain water, Hongkou, Shanghai
Trees silhouetted by clouds beside a ditch, Hongkou, Shanghai