Woman with teapot hairstyle and earrings in the Lost Tribe country
Woman doing her hair in the traditional teapot style in the Lost Tribe country
Woman wearing earrings and holding a child in the Jumahe Valley
Woman wearing earrings in Tio-liu-po Village [sic]
Woman wearing hoop earrings in the Lost Tribe country
Woman wearing earrings with floral motif in the Lost Tribe country
Woman wearing earrings and openwork button in the Lost Tribe country
Woman wearing earrings in the Lost Tribe country
House interior showing a woman at a brick stove, a bucket, and a ladle made from a gourd in the Lost Tribe country
Woman wearing earrings, bracelets, and rings in the Lost Tribe country
Woman with teapot hairstyle and hoop earrings in the Lost Tribe country
Woman with bound feet wearing earrings nursing a child in the Lost Tribe country