Portrait of an elderly man, with a fan, pipe, flowers and spittoon
Portrait of a man, with a fan
Portrait of a woman and a man
Feather fan seller, Peking
Smoking opium - a posed tableau
Seven women, with fans, sitting on bentwood chairs, in a photographer's studio
Two men with fans in a photographer’s studio, with posing stands and a backdrop curtain
Three Chinese dealers, Shanghai
A green tea man, with a fan, Shanghai
Yimam (a tea man), with a fan, Shanghai
A bank shroff (coin cashier), with a fan, Shanghai
Warden's Compradore with a pipe, and his son with a fan, Shanghai
Sitting room, 'Taiping' (the residence of William and Elizabeth Vacher), Shanghai
Board game in progress, by the side of a street, Peking
Imperial dragon flags flying in a shopping street, Peking
Leaving the Chinese City and entering the French Concession, Shanghai, at a checkpoint barrier, during the Xinhai Revolution