Fishing in the Xiamen estuary near Longhai
A fish trap by the Dong Xi River, Yongchun
A beach near Xiamen
A riverside village, Fujian province
Warships at Weihaiwei
Timber on beach, Weihaiwei
Deep Bay, Hong Kong
Tsuen Wan (荃灣), New Territories, Hong Kong
Fishermen with an otter (trained to fish) and bamboo canes, near Yichang
Punt, with retractable mast
Fish trap, with drop net
A raft boat and three fishermen
Women laundering and collecting water
Junks in frozen harbour, Chefoo
Navigating frozen waters, Chefoo
A water carrier on the ice, Chefoo
On the houseboat 'Patrol'
A fishing platform viewed from the Bungalow at the China Mining & Metal Company Ltd., Gin Drinkers Bay (醉酒灣), Hong Kong
View of Tai Mo Shan (大帽山) and a fishing platform in Gin Drinkers Bay (醉酒灣), Hong Kong
Fishing weir on the way to Hills, near Hwangtu, Shanghai