Chained performing bear and food vendors, Peking
A studio photograph of diners playing a finger number guessing game
A pedlar making a bamboo food steamer basket (蒸笼; 蒸籠)
A meal on the marble 'Boat of Purity and Ease', Peking
Margherita Varé and Mary Lampson at a picnic at the Tomb of the Princess, Beijing
Sunday lunch at the British Legation Lodge (Ta Tau Tze), near Beijing
Grain for sale in street, Kunming
Fruit shops, Kunming, 1945
Meat shop, Kunming, 1945
Bicycles, rickshaws and pedicabs, the Bund, Shanghai, 1945
National Army officer helping himself to rice
Senior National Army officers eating rice
National Army soldiers and officers eating
National Army soldiers eating
National Army soldiers having a meal
Chinese street food seller and American Marine