Member of a funeral procession sitting holding an umbrella outside a city
Members of a funeral procession carrying umbrella and snow willow
Members of a funeral procession with umbrellas and flag
Member of a funeral procession carrying an embroidered umbrella
Member of a funeral procession carrying an umbrella
Members of a funeral procession holding embroidered umbrellas and staffs
Funeral procession with paper snow willows, mourners dressed in white passing through city gate, and paper money tossed in the air
Boy with an umbrella for a funeral procession resting on his shoulder
Coffin-bearers carrying draped coffin in funeral procession
Men holding umbrellas for a funeral procession
Women in a horse-drawn carriage following a coffin in a funeral procession
Coffin-bearers carrying a coffin in a funeral procession outside a city
Coffin-bearers carrying a simple coffin in a funeral procession
Coffin-bearers carrying draped coffin with wreaths of paper flowers during funeral procession
Members of a funeral procession with umbrella and inscribed banner
Members of a funeral procession carrying an umbrella and paper snow willows under a pai lou
Members of a funeral procession carrying embroiderd umbrellas and banners in funeral procession
Coffin-bearers carrying draped coffin with wreaths of paper flowers through city gate during funeral procession
Members of a funeral procession with umbrellas crossing a bridge over a city moat