Zhong hua men
Trees, marble balustrades, wall, and gate in the Forbidden City
Rock (gongshi) on a pedestal, covered walkway, and octagonal gate in the Forbidden City, Beijing
Courtyard with Ting he men opposite and roof of Yu jing ting above
South facade of Tian yi men, incense burner, and pair of gilt bronze qi lin
Courtyard with a small gate leading to a multi-storied single-eaved pavilion in the Forbidden City
Detail of south facade of Tai he men with bronze lion
North facade of Wu men seen from Tai he men
Gate and flanking wall with glazed-tile relief panel of twin cranes in the Forbidden City
Neijinshui Qiao and northeast corner of Wu men
Neijinshui Qiao and south facade of Tai he men
Neijinshui Qiao and detail of north facade of Wu men
Neijinshui Qiao and west facade of Xi he men
Triple-arched gate and four water vats in the Forbidden City
South facade of Yang xin men
Detail of Qian qing men showing flanking walls with glazed-tile relief work and a bronze lion with a cub