Man and girl eating in a village on the Shandong coast
Girl wearing an embroidered purse on the Shandong coast
Girl with a tree branch leaning on storage vessels in a fishing village on the Shandong coast
Girl holding a basket in a fishing village on Shandong coast
Girl pilgrim wearing chenille souvenirs on Miaofeng Mountain
Chinese woman and girl
Mrs. Drew & daughter Dora
Girl's school -- Liang-au
Mr. Learner, his child, and Muslim school children holding Christian tracts in Xining
Mr. Learner distributing Christian tracts to Muslim school children in Xining
Sian, Shensi
Shunhwa, Tsinghai. Capital of the Salar country. Our quarters in the Holton home.
Myrtle Holton at home. Could she ride!!!
Shunhwa, Tsinghai. Capital of the Salar country. Ships of the desert resting outside the walls of Shunhwa. Myrtle equally at home here!!
Shunhwa, Tsinghai. Capital of the Salar country.
Sining. Camera shy. Note veil of Moslem women.
Sining. Dr. Z. reading a girl's 'horn book' of Arabic.
Sian. June 27 conference at home of Rev. & Mrs. Young. Workers from S.A.M., E.B., S.D.A., S.K.H., Y.M.C.A.
Sian. This time an Arabic joke.