The damaged Russian cruiser HIRMS Askold in Shanghai, 1905
Panorama of Yantai (1)
Panorama of Yantai (2)
Victoria Harbour and Kowloon, viewed from the Peak, Hong Kong
View over Hong Kong and Victoria Harbour, towards Kowloon
The Royal Navy’s Naval Dockyard and Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong
Boats in the harbour, Hong Kong
Junks in full sail, Hong Kong
A street with a view over the harbour, Hong Kong
A junk in full sail, Hong Kong
Sea going boats in full sail, Hong Kong
Boats at anchor
Four children on the waterfront, Hong Kong
Stevedores unloading sacks, and a tallyman, Hong Kong
A boat with a half raised sail, and other shipping, Hong Kong
Workers unloading cargo from a boat, Hong Kong
Boats in the harbour, some with square sails, Hong Kong
Seagoing junks in harbour, Hong Kong
Cheung Chau harbour, Hong Kong