Facade of a shop selling household goods with shop signs for hemp products (left) and soap (right)
Shop sign for a hemp dealer's shop selling rope, cord, and string
Street scene showing shop signs for a hemp-worker's shop (top), a tobacco pipe shop (right), and a tricycle
Shop signs for a hemp worker's shop that sells rope, cord, and string
Shop signs for a hemp worker's shop that sells rope, cord, and string with pai lou in background
Shop signs for unidentified shop (center) and hemp worker's shop that sells rope, cord, and string (right)
Store fronts showing shop signs for hemp products (left), unidentified goods (center), and peanut oil (right)
Members of a wedding procession playing musical instruments and carrying umbrellas and sedan chairs past shops near Chaoyangmen (朝阳门), Beijing
Members of a wedding procession carrying three sedan chairs past shops near Chaoyangmen (朝阳门), Beijing
Members of a funeral procession carrying embroidered umbrellas and banners past a hemp shop