The Mafoos' Race, Hankow Race Club (汉口赛马会)
Racehorses, Hankow Race Club (汉口赛马会)
At the Hankow Race Club (汉口赛马会)
Man leading a racehorse, Hankow Race Club (汉口赛马会)
A fashionable woman at the Hankow Race Club (汉口赛马会), Hankow
Sikh policemen on horseback, Shanghai
The Bund, Weihaiwei
Ancient tomb near Wan Cha, near Ningbo
Race-day, Tientsin, 1900
Grooms, with horse and carriage, Tientsin, 1900
Riders, Hong Kong, 1901
Hugh Fawcus on 'Mariner', Qinhuangdao, 1901
Riding in Peking, 1900
Guardians of the tomb of a dignitary, near Fuzhou
Amah and another woman, with a child, Shanghai
American Mounted Troop, Shanghai Volunteer Corps route march, 1930
Shanghai Municipal Police, Shanghai Volunteer Corps route march, 1930
Light Horse Troop, Shanghai Volunteer Corps route march, 1930