Tsinghai. Tracts are always welcome. A typical farmhouse.
Tahochia. A Moslem of Tsingshui.
Tsapa, Tsinghai. A custom station for the suppression of salt smuggling into Tibet. A southern view of mosque minaret. Typical houses with flat roofs in foreground.
Yellow River Valley again. Typical sedentary Tibetan home with prayer flags flying in the breeze at La Tsa San Ken.
Yu Wang. Fort enclosed mosque outside S. Gate.
Tsingshui Ho Valley. North to the Yellow River. Moslem sisters.
Moslem country. The garden of Ma Hsi-wu.
Friendly Sian. At the Englund home.
Western Suiyuan. In new country people often live half underground.
What Marco Polo Called Tenduc - Eastern Suiyuan. Our noon halt at the foot of the Ta Ch'ing Mts.
Ningsia City. Through the P'ai lo to Ma Hung-K'uei's home on left.
An unidentified city