Roses in bloom in a park, Shanghai
Sarah Hutchinson holding a camera and displaying the decorative needlework detail on her dress, sitting in a field near Tongshan Road, Hongkou, Shanghai
John Piry wearing an overcoat and standing near the garden rose frame, 35 Tongshan Road, Hongkou, Shanghai
Sarah Hutchinson holding camera and whip in a field near Tongshan Road, Hongkou, Shanghai
Motor boat, barges and ships on the Huangpu, Shanghai
Paper pagoda, for burning at a funeral, in a street, Shanghai
Mabel Parker, Shanghai
Band stand, park benches and arbour in the Public Garden, Shanghai
Snow on the gardens and Roselawn Dairy buildings, photographed from 35 Tongshan Road, Hongkou, Shanghai
Living room with festive popcorn decorations and piñata, 35 Tongshan Road, Hongkou, Shanghai
Sarah Hutchinson clutching a handful of eggs in the garden of 35 Tongshan Road, in front of a new house under construction, Hongkou, Shanghai
Sarah Hutchinson looking at a photograph album in the living room decorated with threaded popcorn, 35 Tongshan Road, Hongkou, Shanghai
High jumper and spectators at a 4th of July sports day, Shanghai
Unidentified young woman and man in a park, Shanghai
Unidentified man smiling, with a gold front tooth
Unidentified toddler wearing a cloth nappy
Unidentified man holding a young baby
William, Maggie, and Bill Hutchinson, with John Piry, in the festively decorated living room, 35 Tongshan Road, Hongkou, Shanghai
Leghorn chicks and feeding stations in the garden, 35 Tongshan Road, Hongkou, Shanghai
Bill Hutchinson wearing a pin-stripe suit and reading a newspaper in the garden, 35 Tongshan Road, Hongkou, Shanghai