Mr and Mrs Hughes on veranda, Kuling Post Office
A funeral procession going through a city gate, Beijing
A car parked on the Bund at night, Shanghai
Looking down Foochow Road (Fuzhou Lu), at the corner with Shanse Road (Shanxi Lu Nan), Shanghai
A Chinese policeman (SMP) by an unidentified building, Shanghai
Star Ferry Bus Terminus and KCR Station, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Porters carrying baskets, by a street market outside Queen's College, Hollywood Road, Hong Kong
A funeral procession, Hong Kong
Catholic University Demonstration Group with a banner (辅大示威团), Zhengyangmen (Qianmen), Beijing
Michael Lindsay (林迈可), Hsiao Li Lindsay (李效黎), and a Chinese man, Yan'an (延安)
Michael Lindsay (林迈可)'s study in Lin Hu Xuan, Yenching University (燕京大學), Beijing (北京)
Hsiao Li Lindsay (李效黎) at a desk, typing, Yenching University (燕京大學), Beijing (北京)
The marriage service for Michael Lindsay (李效黎) and Hsiao Li Lindsay (李效黎), led by Dr John Leighton Stuart, in the chapel at Yenching University (燕京大學), Beijing (北京)
Hsiao Li Lindsay (李效黎) and Michael Lindsay (林迈可) at their wedding party at Yenching University (燕京大學), Beijing (北京)
Dr Preston Maxwell's luggage at a boat landing, Quanzhou
The pulpit in a chapel
Tientsin Volunteers and a barricade on the Bund, Tianjin, during the siege, 1900
Return of Admiral Seymour's column, Tientsin