Sentries outside the entrance of the Jinchaji (晋察冀边区) government headquarters, Wutai area
People welcoming the foreign visitors Michael Lindsay (林迈可) and George E. Taylor, Central Hebei province
Communist troops marching through a village, watched by onlookers, West Hebei province
Communist soldiers on parade
Michael Lindsay (林迈可) with a radio transmitter, Jinchaji
General Zhu De (Chu Teh 朱德) sitting by a table, with food
General Zhu De (Chu Teh 朱德) at a meeting to celebrate the fraternization of the Eighth Route Army and Chang Yin-wu's Hopei province People's Army, after Chang Yin-wu's dismissal
Michael Lindsay (林迈可) and General Zhu De (Chu Teh 朱德), at Zhu De's headquarters, Taihang Shan, September 1939
Parade of soldiers with a band welcoming Michael Lindsay (林迈可) and George E. Taylor to General Lu Zhengcao (呂正操)'s headquarters, 1938
Eighth Route Army troops, Wutai
Eighth Route Army troops marching along a road, Mount Wutai area, 1938
Houses in a village near Beijing burnt down by Japanese raiding parties
Soldiers in a street near a gateway
Crowd and soldiers with horses
Makeshift stalls at a market beside a rutted road
Second United Front (第二次国共合作) slogans on posters, pasted on to a wall
Slogans on posters, pasted on to the wall of local headquarters, 1938
Children in a school established by Michael Lindsay (林迈可)
Children in a school room, with slogans on posters in Chinese and English on the wall