Wall separating Chinese City from Tartar City, Peking
Dining room, British Legation, Peking
'The Jade River' canal outside the British Legation, Peking
Photographing in military earthworks, after fighting
A photographer taking a photograph in military earthworks
Xishiku Cathedral (北堂), Beijing, before the Boxer Uprising
Relief forces in the British Legation, Peking
'The Six Fighting Parsons', British Legation, Beijing
'The Six Fighting Parsons', Fort Coburn, Peking
Building in the German Legation damaged during the siege, Peking
Around the student interpreters' house, British Legation, Peking
British Marines on a gun platform, Mongol Market, Peking
City walls with extra defensive masonry and barricades, Peking
The graves of American marines and Russian soldiers, in Russian Legation, Peking
The Hanlin Academy (翰林院), Peking
Reinforced outer wall, and water well, during siege of the Legation Quarter, Peking
Taikoo Sugar Refinery (太古糖業), Hong Kong (香港)
Chinese junk at Hang Hau, Hong Kong (香港)
Volunteer encampment at Hang Hau, Hong Kong (香港)
Launch of SS 'Wuchang', Hong Kong (香港)