Restaurant interior showing a chef frying food in a wok
Restaurant interior showing a chef dishing food into bowls from a wok
Restaurant interior showing an assistant watching a chef seasoning food
Man at work in a metal-working shop
Man working on a piece of cut metal in a metal-working shop
Man at work on a metal vessel in a metal-working shop
Man at work in a bookshop
Man lighting incense at a household altar at New Year's
Man pounding a brass awl through the fascicle of a book with a wooden club prior to sewing the binding
Man kneeling before a household altar at New Year's
Man cutting a seal
Man sewing the binding of a book
Man writing title and volume numbers on the heels of the fascicles of a multi-volume book
Man displaying books with side-sewn bindings in a bookshop
Man measuring the side-sewn binding of a book
Shop interior showing three men behind a counter