Kung Men Chen, Kansu. A Moslem mu'azzin.
Grassland, N. E. Kansu. On the pilgrimage. Pi Ahung.
Kung Men Chen, Kansu. Failure to descend in second gear.
Grassland, N. E. Kansu. Over 6,000 feet. Lu P'an San to S.W.
Grassland, N. E. Kansu. Old in years.
Kung Men Chen, Kansu. His private cemet[e]ry. Ahung-in-charge 3rd from right.
Kung Men Chen, Kansu. Teeth.
Kung Men Chen, Kansu. A Moslem tax collector. He befriended Mrs. Botham in 1927-8.
Up from Kuyuan. Camel trains leaving San Ying.
Up from Kuyuan. Inn yard Chen T'ing P'u.
Along the highways and byways of East Kansu. Bismilliah [sic].
Grassland, N. E. Kansu. On the pilgrimage. Sung Ahung.
Along the highways and byways of East Kansu. A Djahariah friend.
Along the highways and byways of East Kansu. A 'flour bag' hat.
Chiang Chia Ch'uan. A bowl of congee?
Moslem country. Off for a visit.
Moslem country. A Christian Moslem.
Chiang Chia Ch'uan. Seven of a kind.
Chiang Chia Ch'uan. Leather merchants.
Chiang Chia Ch'uan. Bread merchants.