Farmworker smoking a pipe
Man blowing glass in a workshop
Two men heating glass in an oven in a glassblowing workshop
Man with a file and boy with a chisel finishing wooden combs in a workshop
Man lifting a screen covered with paper pulp out of a vat in a paper-making shop
Man placing a screen covered with paper pulp on a stack of screens in a paper-making shop
Two men carving lacquer in a workshop
Man carving lacquer in a workshop
Man eating shao bing and soup at food vendor's stand
Man playing a stringed instrument
Two men making stringed instruments in a workshop
Paper-cut maker displaying wares for sale at his market stall
Man hand-planing the wooden body of a stringed instrument in a workshop
Two men working with vats of paper pulp in a paper-making shop
Scrap-paper collector with bundles of paper on his back
Man applying a border to a piece of silk embroidery
Lu, a colleague of Morrison's from Hartung's Photo Shop
Man ironing a piece of emboidered silk cloth
Man embroidering silk in a frame
Man holding a piece of embroidered silk cloth