Studio portrait of a woman with an earring
Studio portrait of a woman
Studio portrait of a woman with a bracelet
Dr Eleanor Whitworth Mitchell with nurses and newly born babies, outside a maternity hospital, Hong Kong
Dr Eleanor Whitworth Mitchell, with hospital staff and patients, Hong Kong
Dr Eleanor Whitworth Mitchell, Hong Kong
Ho Miu Ling Hospital, Breezy Path, Hong Kong
Group portrait of women and children
A building on a hillside
Dr Eleanor Whitworth Mitchell with a group of women and men
Portrait of a group of women
A group of women and girls
Morrison Hall under construction, Hong Kong University, Hatton Road, Hong Kong
A courtyard, Morrison Hall, Hong Kong University, Hatton Road, Hong Kong
A construction worker carrying bricks, Breezy Path, Hong Kong
A shady road, with a porter
Construction workers carrying bricks, Breezy Path, Hong Kong
Two men standing in a shady road