Paying for a purchase
A man counting coins and another man smoking
Members of American Company Shanghai Volunteer Corps billeted at the Mixed Court building, Zhejiang Road, gambling with dice, Shanghai, October 1924
Hongkong and Shanghai Bank building, Statue Square, Hong Kong
Children gathering thrown coins
Vendor at Bai yun guan selling paper money in the form of shoes to burn as offerings during New Year's
Members of a funeral procession in front of vaulted brick tomb strewn with paper money
Funeral procession with paper snow willows, mourners dressed in white passing through city gate, and paper money tossed in the air, Chaoyangmen (朝阳门), Beijing
Members of a funeral procession carrying paper snow willows and tossing paper money in the air
Members of a funeral procession carrying coffin and throwing paper money in the air by Zhengyangmen (正阳门) / Qianmen (前门), Beijing
Money changer, Beijing
A Hong Kong ten-dollar bank note, dated 1 October 1930
Printing new Jinchaji (晋察冀边区) currency
Jinchaji Border Region Banknote Printing Plant printers having a rest, 1938
Sikhs, with banknotes and coins, Shanghai
The National City Bank of New York, Shanghai
Children on riverbank
Throwing coins from a boat
Children looking for coins thrown from a boat
Group by a riverbank