A three arched bridge photographed from a moving boat
A bungalow with a curved roof
Three men and a woman on a hill track
Temple shrine with four figures
Waterside buildings with stepped roofs
Weathered stone form on top of a free-standing pillar
Wooden temple statue of Buddha riding a lion
Shrine with sculpture behind a window
Wooden temple statue of Buddha riding an elephant
Junk in full sail, photographed from a moving boat
Man carrying a basket walking along a hill track
Women using a paddle to clean laundry in a stream, near a bamboo drying rack
Waterway photographed from a moving boat
A drover with a beast of burden
Pedlar carrying two covered baskets
Mules with panniers
Food vendor carrying a portable kitchen along a track
View of forested mountains
View from mountains of valley road and houses
View of mountain tracks and houses