Mountain landscape on the pilgrimage route up Miaofeng Mountain
Men selling peach-wood walking sticks beside the pilgrimage trail on Miaofeng Mountain
Pilgrim praying on Miaofeng Mountain with mountain landscape in background
Mat sheds on pilgrimage route up Miaofeng Mountain
Pilgrim being carried up Miaofeng Mountain in a sedan chair
Pilgrim with walking stick and backpack on Miaofeng Mountain
Seated pilgrim with backpack holding child and metal bucket on Miaofeng Mountain
Sedan chair carriers resting on pilgrimmage route up Miaofeng Mountain
Pilgrim with souvenir hat and peach-wood walking stick descending Miaofeng Mountain
Pilgrims wearing sourvenir hats on the trail down Miaofeng Mountain
Complex of buildings on the pilgrimage route up Miaofeng Mountain
Pilgrims ascending Miaofeng Mountain
View near Peling [i.e. Peiling] temple; tea and rice lands
Temple at Peling [i.e. Peiling], near Foochow. Tea and rice fields
Fukien Province. Tan mao feng
Valley of Yung [Yuen?] Foo R[iver] near Foochow. 'The Bankers' Glen' in foreground
Mill and rock, waterfall glen. Yung [Yuen?] Foo valley, near Foochow
Hot water springs, near Yung [Yuen?] Foo R[iver], Foochow