Up from Kuyuan. Hu Chen-lin Ahung.
Kuyuan. A roadside shrine north of Kuyuan.
Kuyuan. A quiet corner for girl students with their 'horn books'.
Kuyuan. Ma Ahung with Captain Ma and a student.
Up from Kuyuan. T'o Yin Li. Another smile for me.
Up from Kuyuan. T'o Yin Li. A Moslem lass.
Grassland, N. E. Kansu. At Chen T'ing P'u.
Grassland, N. E. Kansu. Old in years.
Kung Men Chen, Kansu. His private cemet[e]ry. Ahung-in-charge 3rd from right.
Kung Men Chen, Kansu. Teeth.
Kung Men Chen, Kansu. A Moslem tax collector. He befriended Mrs. Botham in 1927-8.
Up from Kuyuan. [Hu Chen-lin Ahung.] With his students.
Along the highways and byways of East Kansu. Bismilliah [sic].
Along the highways and byways of East Kansu. A Djahariah friend.
Along the highways and byways of East Kansu. A 'flour bag' hat.
Moslem country. Off for a visit.
Moslem country. A Christian Moslem.
Chiang Chia Ch'uan. Seven of a kind.
Moslem country. [The garden of Ma Hsi-wu.] Another part of the garden.
Moslem country. Ma Huan-wu.