Pukow (浦口) frontage by Yangtze River, Nanking
Pukow frontage by Yangtze River, Nanking
The Bund at Pukow (浦口), Nanking
Porters and cargo on the Bund at Pukow (浦口), Nanking
Hulks and junks in Hsiakwan (下关), Nanking
Godowns in Pukow (浦口) by Yangtze, Nanking
Pukow (浦口), Nanking
Railway goods yard, Nanking
Houses in Nanking
Butterfield and Swire property in Nanking
Butterfield and Swire property and football (soccer) pitch, Nanking
The Yangtze at Nanking
Hulks and junks by the Yangtze, Nanking
Pontoon pier at Nanking
River steamer at pier, Nanking