British Consul's house and offices, Shantou (汕頭)
Entrance to office, British Consulate General, Tianjin (天津)
British Consul’s residence and offices, Qingdao (青島)
British Consul's residence, dining room, Qingdao (青島)
British Consul's residence, drawing room, Qingdao (青島)
British Consul's residence, lounge hall, Qingdao (青島)
British consul's residence, lower hall, Qingdao (青島)
British Consul's residence, lounge hall and staircase to upper floor, Qingdao (青島)
British Consul's house and offices, Wenzhou (溫州)
Constable's quarters, Wenzhou (溫州)
British Consulate, offices and constable's quarters, Wuzhou (梧州)
British Consul's residence and offices, Wuhu (蕪湖)
Entrance to office and residence of the Nationalist Government (總統府), Nanjing (南京市)
A desk in a study
Mr Yang (Lynch's Assistant), a coin cashier, an agency accountant and Mr Tan of Jianli
Asiatic Petroleum Company Building
J.F. Huang and K.L. Wu, Telegraph Department