Jingshan (‘Coal Hill’), pailou and a wooden pavilion, Beijing
Yongan Bridge and Coal Hill, Beijing
Willow trees, a pond and a pailou (柳浪聞鶯) beside West Lake (西湖), Hangzhou (杭州)
Lakeside pailou at a former temporary imperial residence or detached palace (前清行宫) on Solitary Hill Island, West Lake (西湖), Hangzhou (杭州)
Yongan Bridge and the White Dagoba, Jade Island, Peking
Pailou and entrance, Baihai Park, Beijing
Pailou in Dongsi pailou dajie, Peking
Pailou at the entrance to the Yonghe Temple (雍和宮) ‘The Lama Temple’, Beijing
Gongshi, shishi and a pailou, at the foot of Wanshou Shan (Longevity Hill), Summer Palace, Beijing
Ruins at Suzhou Market Street (苏州街; Suzhoujie), Yiheyuan, Summer Palace, Beijing, including the triple-arched bridge
Pailou (memorial arch), Ningbo
Honorary portal (pailou) by a tomb
A memorial arch (pailou), Ningbo
View of Yuyao (余姚), Tongji Bridge and Yaojiang River
Ancient tomb near Wan Cha, near Ningbo
An honorary portal (pailou) for a ‘faithful’ widow
Pailou Fuwen on Legation Street, Peking, 1900
Buffalo cart by a gate
A memorial arch, Upper Yangtze River
Guardians of the tomb of a dignitary, near Fuzhou (福州)