Desilverising plant, Hunan Lead Works, Changsha (長沙)
Mining works, China Mining & Metal Company Ltd
Lower Works, China Mining & Metal Company Ltd
Volatilising plant, New Wah Chang Co.
Workers at a crude furnace, New Wah Chang Co.
Schnabel's Works, Hsi Kwan Shan
China Mining & Metal Company Ltd buildings
Volatilising furnace, New Wah Chang Co.
Smelting furnaces, New Wah Chang Co.
Frederick George Trobridge on the veranda at the Bungalow, China Mining & Metal Company Ltd., Gin Drinkers Bay (醉酒灣), Hong Kong
Mary Ada Trobridge on the veranda at the Bungalow, China Mining & Metal Company Ltd., Gin Drinkers Bay (醉酒灣), Hong Kong
A woman and a child by a house, Changsha (長沙)
Flooded street and properties, Changsha (長沙), 1924
Boats in a garden during the 1924 floods, Changsha (長沙)
Victoria Harbour viewed from the Public Garden (Botanic Gardens), Hong Kong
Thomas Taylor Meadows, diplomat and sinologue, Shanghai
Courtyard garden and aviary, Peking
Group in a garden