Sikh group at a celebration, Shanghai
British Municipal Policeman and another man, Tianjin floods, 1938
Tai Po (大埔) police station, New Territories, Hong Kong
Ping Shan (屏山) police station, New Territories, Hong Kong
Au Tau (凹頭) police station, New Territories, Hong Kong
British Consul General's house and KMA building, Meadows Road, Tianjin (天津)
Procession on horseback, with paper giant
Harold and Mabel Peck
Harold Peck larking about with panniers
Republican soldiers entering Nanjing (南京市) at Taipingmen (太平门)
Harold Peck at a Police Station, Shanghai
Six men by the entrance to Gordon Road Police Station, Shanghai
The Peck family
Harold Peck with handcuffed men, Shanghai
Portrait of Harold Edwards Peck, SMP
Harold Peck at home, reading
Shanghai Municipal Policemen, Shanghai
Harold Peck with his children
Harold Edwards Peck in front of a house
Sikh policeman, Shanghai Municipal Police