Grotesque clay figurines, a tableau relating to sin, punishment, torture and reincarnation
Shrines in a cave
Inscription relating to a holy tree
A boy with a weighted pole attached to his forearm by a row of hooks, with onlookers
Bishop Banister and an unidentified man
North District Church Council, 1921
Bishop Banister
Bishop Banister, with four unidentified clergymen
Clifftop temple beside a river
Some of the alleged leading perpetrators of the ‘Kucheng massacre’
Teatime for missionaries
Missionary women
St Andrew's Church, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Choir processing into St Andrew's Church, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Interior of a mission church
View from church porch, Pakhoi
Clergymen and congregation outside a church, Pakhoi
Congregation during a service, Pakhoi
Panoramic view of a church, Pakhoi
Congregation and church, Pakhoi