Repulse Bay Hotel, Repulse Bay, Hong Kong
Margie, Sonny, Sarah and Bea Hutchinson, Moganshan
Two amahs carrying Sonny and Bea Hutchinson, Moganshan
Sarah Hutchinson spoon feeding Bea, Moganshan
Bea Hutchinson standing outdoors by a wooden chair, Moganshan
Sarah Hutchinson wearing a Chinese silk jacket, Moganshan
View looking over Moganshan
Partly torn photograph of a mountain road, Moganshan
Bathers at an open-air swimming pool, Moganshan
Sarah and Bea Hutchinson in a sedan chair, Moganshan
Unidentified man holding a camera, with Sarah, Bea, Margie and Sonny Hutchinson, and amah, Moganshan
View overlooking an open air swimming pool and hill tops, Moganshan
View looking over hills and valleys, Moganshan
View over Moganshan
Trees, fields, and summer houses, Moganshan
Sarah Hutchinson standing on a path through a bamboo forest, holding a camera, Moganshan
Bea Hutchinson holding a small shovel and standing on a summer house verandah, Moganshan
Sonny Hutchinson, wearing a lace baby gown, being lifted to stand on a summer house verandah, Moganshan
Bea Hutchinson holding a small box and sitting on a wooden chair, Moganshan